
Cronobacter genus

The genus Cronobacter (formerly Enterobacter Sakazaki) is a type of bacteria that is sometimes found in food.

What bacteria Cronobacter genus?
The genus Cronobacter is a kind of bacteria in the environment. Although this bacterium is not generally associated with human disease, it can cause serious and even fatal infections in rare cases. It can cause bacterial Cronobacter blood circulation and rare infections of the central nervous system, especially in neonates, associated with severe intestinal infections (necrotizing enterocolitis), blood poisoning (sepsis).

How do people get sick?
Although the natural source of bacteria, Cronobacter remains unknown, it is found in a number of foods, such as infant formula.

Infant formula (PIF) is not a sterile product. Bacteria Cronobacter can create a risk of infection if it survives in powder infants and the product is mixed with water and stored at room or warmer temperatures for extended periods of time. The bacterium Cronobacter grows rapidly at room temperature.

Infant formula is clonobacter contaminated with bacteria:

Depending on the raw materials used to manufacture them;
by a mixture of nursing staff.
Bacteria Cronobacter can cause disease in susceptible individuals of all ages, but they are babies, it is great for children under a year, who are supplied with a reconstitution ready Is to say risk. Children have less than 2 months of age, with Cronobacter premature birth, which is most vulnerable to bacterial infections, and low birth weight with impaired immune system. Mothers who are HIV positive may also need infant formula to make them more likely to infect them, so the risk also babies.

Bacteria Cronobacter can affect the mouth of a patient suffering from a stroke that can confer resistance to antibiotics administered therein to treat pneumonia. Bacteria are found in starch powders used to thicken foods for patients suffering from stroke, brain and other dietary supplements.

What are the symptoms and treatment?
Although the disease caused by bacteria is rare, Cronobacter is rare, they can endanger the lives of babies and newborns. Bacterial infections Cronobacter can cause inflammation of the lining of the brain (meningitis), blood poisoning (sepsis) and severe intestinal infections (necrotizing enterocolitis). These infections can in some cases be delayed in development or attack and death.

Diseases caused by bacteria Cronobacter usually reacts well to antibiotics, even when the bacteria are getting stronger. Survivors of these diseases can cause serious long-term complications such as neuropathy. Symptoms and complications are so important in adults.

How to avoid getting sick?
Bacteria Cronobacter does not survive above 60 ° C (140 ° F). Infant formulas are heat treated during processing, but unlike liquids, they are not exposed to high temperatures long enough to commercially sterilize the final product.

Here is a Cronobacter genus that shows tips for protecting yourself and protecting your family against bacteria:

Health Canada promotes breastfeeding and encourages infants and children to promote their benefits. Breastfeeding can prevent many foodborne and other health problems.
If you need to replace breast milk, choose infant formula based on the nutrition and health you need.
For high-risk infants (c.D., low birth weight and immunodeficiency in preterm infants), commercially available liquid infant milk (V.r. concentrate and ready to drink) is used Should not be because it is a sterile product, unless directed by a doctor or dietitian.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before (e) using the toilet or changing diapers before providing preparations and preparations.
Therefore, for
infants born in the middle of having low birth weight with impaired immune system, mix formula with boiling water for 2 minutes, then make recommendations for infant formula (PIF) preparation and handling Cool to at least 70 ° C (158 ° F).
For all other children, water previously boiled and cooled to room temperature or body temperature (37 ° C.) can be used to prepare the product. When ready, it helps to prepare the baby immediately.
Once activated bottles should be fed at 2 hour intervals. Expressions remaining after the bottle should be discarded.
Do not prepare at room temperature. Immediately use it in or put it in the refrigerator. The refrigeration preparation should be discarded after 24 hours.

Celiac disease

with gluten Celiac disease, also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is a hereditary disease caused by the consumption of cereals containing gluten. If your child has a disease, the immune system reacts negatively when gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine. This disease can cause chronic health conditions, can reduce an person’s ability to absorb nutrients such as iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, protein, fat and carbohydrates, anemia, osteoporosis and digestion Some cancers of the tube.

Gluten is a barley, oat, rye, rye, wheat (p. Eg, hard wheat, spelled and kamut) all these grains that are present in the grains of different species or hybridized strains.

Quick Info
Celiac disease affects approximately 1% of the population. The only treatment is to maintain a gluten-free diet. Persons before biopsy and blood tests were done to ensure correct diagnosis should not stop eating gluten.

Symptoms of celiac disease

Diagnosing celiac disease is difficult because the symptoms (and their severity) are different from those of another person. In babies and children, celiac disease causes abnormal diarrhea and abdominal stretch. Other symptoms that may occur: Symptoms: short stature, anemia (weakness or low resistance), developing teeth, problems or delay defects.

The combination of blood tests, small intestine biopsy and symptoms disappears with the adoption of a gluten-free diet to diagnose celiac disease.

Fatima Burgol

Medicine student, liking to read publications and Ivd improvements adapted to my country.