Medical schools in times of war: Integrating conflict medicine in medical education.

Medical schools in times of war: Integrating conflict medicine in medical education.

Amid the rise in conflict and warfare and their ensuing repercussions, traumatic accidents, psychological misery,…

HIV Ag/Ab 4 th Generation testing

Measuring the HIV Ag/Ab 4 th Generation in serum or plasma with an Elisa Reader…

هل السودان مستعد لمواجهة فيروس كورونا؟

توفي 565 شخصًا على الأقل وتم تأكيد أكثر من 28000 حالة في جميع أنحاء العالم…

Dengue IgG measurement

Measuring the Dengue IgG in serum or plasma with an Elisa Reader and Washer can…

anti-HAV IgM testing

Measuring the anti-HAV IgM in serum or plasma with an Elisa Reader and Washer can…

Sars in Sudan in 2020?

أعلن مسؤولون محليون عن وفاة شخص آخر في الصين بسبب فيروس جديد يشبه الالتهاب الرئوي.…

anti-HBs testing

Measuring the anti-HBs in serum or plasma with an Elisa Reader and Washer can be…

Tuberculosis 2020: Pasteur, Paris, September 14-18, 2021

EMBO Workshop on Tuberculosis 2020is postponed to September 2021From innovation to interventionParis, September 13-17, 2021CIS…